In this article we show you how to achieve the popular 3D Flower Effect with Epoxy Resin and Alcohol Inks.
You can use the effect for coasters and other decorative projects. We explain step by step how to do it and show you what you need!
What are you waiting for?
What You Need
- Silicone moulds for coasters
- PRO-System
- Alcohol Inks in any colour, at least 3 different ones
- RAL paste RAL9003
- Mixing cup
- Stirring stick
- Gloves
- Toothpick

How-To Guide
Have all materials ready. Note that you should work at room temperature and the humidity should not exceed 70%. All materials and tools should also be at room temperature.
- Mix our EPODEX PRO system according to the instructions in a ratio of 2:1. Stir well until no streaks are visible.
- Pour the finished resin into a separate container. Stir the resin thoroughly again after repotting. Allow the epoxy resin to set until the consistency resembles liquid honey.
- In the waiting time you can mix a small amount of PRO and add 1% RAL9003.
- Now use a silicone coaster mould suitable for resin. Alternatively, you can “draw” a free form of sanitary silicone on a glass base. Make sure that the pouring height is appropriate.
- When the PRO has started to gel, pour it into the silicone mould.
- Drop the alcohol inks (three drops per colour) in a flower shape or similar in different colours into the resin (work quickly here so that the drops do not expand too much).
- Then spiral a thin trickle of PRO in RAL9003 into the resin over the alcohol inks. Make sure that you create fine lines.
- Then you must let the spiral sink and draw a new spiral again and let it sink. For a deep effect, make three spirals in the mould.
- Let the last spiral sink and draw a flower pattern with a toothpick from the centre outwards or starting from the inside and working outwards.
- Allow the result to harden in the mould.