Epoxy resin pens are easily created with the appropriate silicone mould. Decide for yourself which colours and accessories you want to cast. Due to the versatility of EPODEX resin, there are no limits to creativity in design.
The following post provides step-by-step instructions including valuable tips and tricks on how to make synthetic resin pens.
What You Need:
- EPODEX Polish
- Nitrile Gloves
- Mixing Cups
- Sandpaper
- Stir Stick
- EPODEX Drop-In Colour Pigments, if a coloured result is desired
- Silicone mould for pens
- Dried flowers, glitter, etc.
- Ball Pen Refill with Cap
- Multitool (like Dremel)
- Kitchen Scale
- Tweezers

How-To Guide
Have all materials ready. Note that you should work at room temperature and the humidity should not exceed 70%. All materials and tools should also be at room temperature.
Step 1
Put the disposable gloves on and mix our EPODEX PRO System according to the instructions in a ratio of 2:1. Stir well until no streaks are visible.
Step 2
Pour the finished resin into a separate container, for example a mixing cup. Thoroughly stir the resin again after repotting.
Step 3
Place the ballpoint pen refill with the lid in the silicone mould. It is important that the cap remains on the refill, otherwise the pen will not function to write.
Step 4
Put the clear epoxy resin into the silicone mould and add glitter, drop-in pigments, dried flowers, or similar accessories according to your wishes. Here it can be helpful to use the tweezers to insert the pen.
Step 5
After 24 hours at the earliest, you can remove the pens from the mould. Make sure that the resin is completely hardened before removing the pens from the mould, otherwise the pens may become deformed.
Step 6
After moulding, you can use a handheld Dremel to expose the tip of the pen. The tip must be sanded and polished so that it is not too sharp.
Step 7
With transparent castings, the use of silicone moulds can lead to streaks on the edge. You should also polish the twisted writing tip. Use EPODEX Polish Paste and a microfibre cloth. Polish away streaks and unevenness in circular movements.
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